a watercolor painting of leaves in a circle

Ignite the Flame Within

Embark on Your Twin Flame Ascension Journey

With my seasoned guidance, unlock the dormant potential within you and set ablaze the path to your radiant future.

Experience a new era

Embark on a unique journey, encounter genuine connections, and create memorable moments, all within your reach.

a woman sitting in a lotus position

Virtual Sessions

Experience personalized guidance from the comfort of your own sanctuary. Our virtual sessions bridge distances to deliver intuitive insight and transformative discussions, tailored just for you.

a artwork of a tarot card

Card Readings

Unearth the messages the universe holds for you with my insightful card readings. Dive into the depths of wisdom and find clarity amidst the cards, as they illuminate your journey ahead.

a man and woman in fire

Twin Flame Coaching

Navigate the intense bond of twin flames with expert coaching. Discover the tools and insights needed to harmonize your spiritual connection and flourish together in synchrony.

a person walking up a staircase

Ascension Coaching

Ascend to your highest potential with my ascension coaching services. Embrace spiritual evolution with guidance that empowers you to rise above life’s challenges and align with your higher self.

a woman sitting in a dress

Healing Support

Find solace and rejuvenation through our healing support. Whether it's emotional, spiritual, or physical healing, our compassionate approach helps you restore balance and peace within.

a watercolor painting of leaves in a circle

Areas of Transformation

As a certified Ascension coach with Twin Flames Universe, I'm dedicated to nurturing your path with expertise that blends scholarly wisdom with a profound empathy for your spiritual and emotional quest.

Soulful Exploration

Deep dive into personal growth to uncover your true self and inner potential.

Harmonizing Twin Flame Relationships

Transform your connection into a harmonious and fulfilling partnership.

Purposeful Career Navigation

Navigate career pathways with clarity and intention to align with your life's purpose.

Emotional Resilience Building

Build emotional strength and resilience to thrive in any situation.

Holistic Stress Alleviation

Embrace holistic strategies to alleviate stress and foster overall well-being.

Guided Life Transformation

Receive expert guidance to navigate life's twists and turns, empowering you to embrace change and emerge stronger.

Pricing designed with you in mind

With flexible options that cater to every type of preference

  • Dive deep into your Twin Flame journey with a free consultation.
  • Experience my consultation at no cost to you.
  • Plan your journey, simplifying your path to understanding and growth.

You decide if you want to upgrade later.



  • Embark on a profound exploration of your Twin Flame journey for just $66 per session.
  • Receive tailored support and insights during each session, crafted specifically for your Twin Flame journey.
  • Invest towards your personal growth and relationship evolution with each transformative session.

/ 4 sessions

  • Delve into your Twin Flame journey with a comprehensive package of 4 sessions, priced at just $240.
  • Benefit from personalized guidance and insights in each session, carefully tailored to address your unique journey and challenges.
  • Enjoy significant savings with our package deal, priced at only $240 for a bundle of 4 sessions, making it an accessible option for your journey.

Meet Your Guide

It’s so nice to meet you! If you are here, that means that you are choosing your ultimate lover and your heaven on earth. You are choosing your perfect partner, your perfect teacher and your perfect lover… your Twin Flame. Congratulations you are choosing your eternal lover!

“There is no need for another lover ever when you have finally met your Twin Flame. This person will fill all the desires you have for your intimate partner, even if your list is extensive.” Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover by Jeff and Shaleia Divine.

A heartfelt message for those that may be struggling on their journey. I was once in the same boat as you… struggling, in despair and trying to navigate this wild and out worldly connection.

Before I found my own Twin Flame Ascension Coach I had no clue what I was doing and my connection with my Twin Flame was chaotic and very unstable. I did not yet have the tools in my tool belt to navigate this journey. It is because of my own difficulty on my own journey that I have devoted my life to helping others like you find peace and Divine flow in their own spiritual journey. I am here to guide you and show you a world full of blessings and possibilities through the teachings of Union founded by my spiritual gurus Jeff and Shaleia.

You can have your dream life and dream relationship. Your Harmonious Twin Flame Union is your birthright and it’s already done. All you have to do is choose!

My job as a Twin Flame Ascension Coach is to help you heal and purify your consciousness and clear the blocks that keep you from manifesting your physical Union and all your wildest dreams and desires. The process I teach and guide you through is the mirror exercise, a powerful healing modality that has helped me, myself get into Union and a healthy peaceful relationship with my Twin Flame. This reality can be yours too!! I am not special. You are worthy of your support! Do you claim it? Click here to book an introductory session with me today!
Take the Twin Flame test here.

Elevate your Twin Flame Journey and Claim your Support

Twin Flames Divine Persitence

Unleash your Twin Flame Potential

The Logo of Twin Flames Divine Persistence featuring a golden mix of lion and owl with the words 'Twin Flames Divine Persistence' underneath.

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